Prins Hendrikkade 103, Amsterdam
November 19th - 24th, 2024
The American Dream has long been a powerful symbol of hope, not only within the United States but around the world.
Its ideals of opportunity and mobility have served as a guiding light for many, embodying the belief that hard work and determination can lead to a better life, regardless of starting point.
It's a narrative of freedom, mobility, and equality that has shaped movements for democracy and human rights worldwide.
However, today, as disparities grow and opportunities seem increasingly out of reach for many, the ideal of the American Dream faces scrutiny.
‘A United State’ examines the contradictions within the American flag—an icon that represents both the promise of freedom and the realities of inequality.
Graphic reappropriations explore how this powerful symbol of national identity also embodies the social, racial, economic, and political forces that uphold and challenge its ideals.
“Flags are the shorthand of history,
the stories of nations stitched into symbols.”
Franklin D. Roosevelt
a flag is a symbol of belief in unity.
It’s a reminder that what we have in common is stronger than that which divides us.
‘A United State’ is not just an exploration of American culture; it is a reflection on where we stand as a global society. It aims to open a broader conversation about our evolving identity and values at a time when democracy and civil liberties feel increasingly uncertain.
These works should be seen as a starting point for dialogue and reflection, and action—a timely reminder of what we may have lost and what we might rebuild together to shape our future.
Ultimately, a flag is a symbol of belief in unity. It’s a reminder that what we have in common is stronger than that which divides us.
Connected, cohesive societies are better able to tackle shared challenges, diffuse conflict, develop faster and fairer solutions, and foster a sense of belonging that includes everyone.
Divided, we may fall, but in ‘A United State’, we can create a more equitable and just society for all.